Monday, September 3, 2012

Why hike?

I'm what I like to call a hobby junkie. Rock climbing, mountain or road biking, camping, boating, playing instruments, traveling, crafts, you name it I'm probably on board to try it out; the problem is most hobbies cost money.                                                     

Spending money on hobbies just seems like a black hole.
It just never ends

When it comes to out doors activities such as the rock climbing, camping, and biking stuff it's necessary to buying your own gear which gets expensive or  rent it which can be even worse. If we love the hobby enough most of us are will slowly obtain the necessary equipment over time, or we just go with friends who own gear (let's be honest here this is more likely the case then buying our own stuff). That gets old fairly fast, always relying on other people or never having the money for activities; who among us hasn't had that friend that we aren't sure if they actually like us or just our toys? 

Well hey there Regina, Lets be friends

Well this is why I've decided to take up hiking. The only absolutely necessary thing you need for a hike is the ability to walk, all other gadgets and equipment are optional, but become more necessary for advanced hikes. Truly you could hike completely nude without even shoes.... However that is not recommended (you could step on something sharp, yikes!) 

Another glorious thing about hiking is that it doesn't take years or even months of practice, you could decide right now "hey i feel like going on a hike", hop online, find the closest hike to your location, and walk out the door. So it opens an endless list of possible candidates for joining a hiking party. Big groups, small groups, advanced, or first timers doesn't matter there are more hikes in this world then could possibly be counted. Just be sure to chose a hike that all members of the group can achieve. No one wants a pal to pass out on a trail because they aren't prepared for the difficulty level. 

Hikes can be enjoyed by everyone, but there are more extreme hikes which you would need to have more experience and that pesky gear (which I mentioned cost money)in order to hike safely. But no worries until that training and gear come along there are simple hikes which could be done in flip flops, bathing suit and carrying just a arrowhead water bottle if that's all you have.

There are a few things that I would recommend to have on every hike. Shoes, water, sunscreen, and a friend. Even if the only shoes you have are flip flops that will work. Honestly most of my hikes have been done in my Toms.... they Are looking pretty shabby these days.
Here is a picture of my Lovely Toms from a few months ago.
They are looking more damaged these days, but I love them.

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