Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Put the Hike on hold; We be climbing

Planned on going on a hike today but Sierra invited me to join her and Kara for rock climbing instead. Hey, why not? My shoes and harness have been picking up dust in the corner of my room while they wait patiently for me to decide to pick up that hobby again.
I'm a spider! or felt like one at least

 I picked up climbing last winter in my efforts to stay out of the snow but still stay active. It became an obsession really, so I did the normal thing you do when you pick up a new hobby... Buy the gear! I only got shoes and a harness because it was all I needed for the indoor gym.

Then summer hit and I was outdoors again. SUN GLORIOUS SUN! Summer is so wonderful, it's got the long days, boating, road trips, and the many hobbies that are so easily picked up, and cheap.

Out door climbing was brand new to me this summer, but I was lucky enough to have Sierra West as a roommate who just so happens to love it. She also introduced me to some friends of hers who climb as well. Gotta say I feel kinda silly when I go out adventuring with them. Everyone is so advanced and experienced I feel like such an outcast. So while everyone else finds the best climbs to do and sets the gear up I just sit around awkwardly...

"oh Hey there; Yeah it's obvious I have no clue what I'm doing, it's cool....I'll just be sitting over here if you need me."

Well it's a great thing that these girls know what they are doing, because they decided we were going to start with a repel. Well that's something new for me. I had gotten somewhat use to the outdoor climbing on the mountain thing, but having to climb over the edge of a cliff is completely freaky! I was a totally baby about, and honestly there are usually enough people on these trips that I can weasel my way out of it.  I've been very successful at avoiding repels, until now.

I only had my right hand glove
it's a good look

Well it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, its just the initial climbing over that gets me spooked but after that it felt just like coming down from a climb, only I have control over the rope rather then my belayer. Now that my first repel is over I won't be so scared for the next time. (I hope, being a wuss was slightly embarrassing)

It was a pretty popular spot of climbing, but since we weren't getting there until the evening most people were packing up and getting ready to head home. We were all able to repel, and Sierra and I were able to get our climbs in before the sun went down. Again, its good these two girls come prepared; Kara was able to do the final climb in the sunset/dark with the help of her nifty head lamp. And there's me thinking to myself, "oh, flash light, yeah... that would be helpful to bring with me for when it's dark".

Sierra and Kara are so hard core
Climbing in the dark :)
The climb wasn't to difficult but gave me a bit of a challenge when I reached the over hang; I felt more accomplished finishing the climb because of that obstacle. Also the rock is deceiving, it looks like there are so many hand grips to choose from but a lot of them are really slick which eliminates some of the options. I'd recommend it for people who are just starting to get into the outdoors climbing. It is fun, not to easy, but still achievable. Just be sure to go with at least one person who is experienced for safety.

Location: DogWood Crag- Big Cottonwood Heights
Directions (Via rockclimbing.com) From parking lot, 1.11 mi up Big Cottonwood, go to east end of the lot follow the trail down towards the creek; stay to the left. The routes will be on your right side, and there's a walk-around up behind the wall, just follow the original trail to the right instead of the left.
We parked on the side of the road and followed the path down to the river. The water wasn't real high so we were able to hop rocks to get over.
More info about this site:
Date: Sept 4, 2012
Company: Sierra West and Kara Downs
Snacks: Cheddar bunnies, provided by Sierra.
Sierra off in her own little world
We left while is was dark
The river was tricky crossing
Friends with fun hobbies are just providers to my hobby hopping addiction..... 

but hey I ain't complaining.

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