Thursday, November 8, 2012

Where's the map?

November 6

Let's take a moment to discuss the importance of having a map, or at least checking with a map before you head out on a hike.

Now I know we all would like to believe that we have some special gift that makes us different then others so we don't need directions. Let's be honest people, unless you have some superpower or mutation, like wolverine,there is always possibility you will get lost.
Getting lost with Wolverine may not be to bad right?
ANYWAYS, Case in point:
Attempt to hike to the Millcreek Canyon - Salt Lake Overlook hike

Norm and I went out out on what was suppose to be a short 2 mile hike a couple hours before the sun went down. Safe enough right? WRONG! We knew where we were starting for the hike and according to the directions you just had up the trail..... so off we went
we obviously started in the right place
Now I'm not saying it wasn't a good time, not at all. I was happy Norm called and invited me to go out and get my final Fall hike in for the year. (It's suppose to snow tomorrow and I will then have to try out snow shoeing.)  It is still pretty up the canyon, but not nearly as green, everything is "dead" now so it is more brown.
I know people think brown is ugly
It reminds me a perfect marshmallow
After Hiking down whatever path we were on it started getting pretty dark and we realized we didn't have any clue how to get to the destination. Neither one of us knew where we were suppose to go and there were no signs on the path we took. Oops.... oh well it was still a good time
Thank goodness Norm came prepared, he happened to have 2 flashlights in his camelback (seriously, I don't know how I survived hiking before camelbacks) and we got back down to the car safely. Well lesson learned, next time make sure there is a clear plan of where the destination is!

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